CALPUFF Modeling System Downloads



CALPUFF Documentation


User Guides

MMS-Sponsored CALPUFF Model Updates (March 2006)

New Chemistry Updates (v6.4) - Nov 2010

CALPUFF Modeling System (Version 6)

CALPUFF Version 7 User's Guide Addendum

CALPUFF Numerical Plume Rise Analyzer

CALNO2 Post Processor

CALPUFF System: USEPA-Approved Version


This is the version of the modeling system officially approved by the USEPA. As of July 2016, the current versions of the CALMET and CALPUFF codes include the USEPA-approved code changes described in Model Change Bulletin H (MCB-H).

As of October 2011, the USEPA approved an update in CALPOST from V5.6394 (level 070622) to V6.221 (level 080724). This version includes "Method 8" (MVISBK = 8, M8_MODE = 5, MVISCHECK = 1), which utilizes the revised IMPROVE equation per the Federal Land Managers' Air Quality Related Values Work Group (FLAG) revised October 2010 report. 

The main system programs in this area are dated December 14, 2015 (with the exception of CALPOST, which is dated July 24, 2008).

  • CALPUFF - Version 5.8.5 - Level 151214
  • CALMET - Version 5.8.5 - Level 151214
  • CALPOST - Version 6.221 - Level 080724


Download Codes and Related Processors. Individual codes and executables for CALMET, CALPUFF, CALPOST, and related processors.


CALPUFF System: Version 7


Version 7 (TNG) of the CALPUFF modeling system contains many new features. The model updates introduce new source types including roadways, flare modeling and agricultural spraying coupled with AGDISP. The new pre-processor SURFGEN which can process sub-hourly ASOS data and the post-processors CALRANK, CALAVE and CALMAX are also now available.

Features introduced in Version 6 (which is now being archived) are also part of Version 7: chemistry options, such as the ISORROPIA (now updated to v2.2) inorganic gas-particle equilibrium model, aqueous phase chemistry and an anthropogenic secondary organic aerosol (SOA) module based on the CMAQ/MADRID model; options to use sub-hourly time steps for both meteorological and emissions data, nested grid capabilities; an option in CALPOST to compute daily peak one-hour concentration values consistent with the new U.S. 1-hour SO2 and NO2 standards.

The main system programs are:

  • CALPUFF - Version 7.2.1 - Level 150618
  • CALMET - Version 6.5.0 - Level 150223
  • CALPOST - Version 7.1.0 - Level 141010

Download Codes and Related Processors. Individual codes and executables for CALMET, CALPUFF, CALPOST, and related processors.


BETA Release - A release of the CALPUFF model is available below which includes the new SPRAY source type. Associated post-processors have also been updated. Any comments or questions on this new release are appreciated and can be directed to During this period, CALPUFF Version 7.2.1 remains available as part of our standard Version 7 code distribution.

CALPUFF System: Version 6


Version 6 (v6) of the CALPUFF modeling system has been superseded by Version 7 and has been retained here as an archived version. If Version 6 is required for a specific application it can be downloaded at the link below. Version 6 of the model contains all Model Change Bulletin (MCB) updates only through MCB-G. All features available in Version 6 are now also available in Version 7. Version 7 also includes additional new enhancements.

The main system programs are:

  • CALPUFF - Version 6.42   - Level 110325 
  • CALMET   - Version 6.334 - Level 110421 
  • CALPOST - Version 6.292 - Level 110406

Download Codes and Related Processors. Individual codes and executables for CALMET, CALPUFF, CALPOST, and related processors.